•• Exhibitions, Public Programmes & Other Curatorial Projects:
Als een leeuw in een kooi
L'ordre des choses
Three Tropes for Entropy
Eu era gases puro, ar, espaço vazio, tempo
Dear Yves,
Which Films Do You Watch At Night?
Atelier Suspensions
Trojan Horse Behind Glass
Wide Ecologies
Time, Times. Half a Time
Weekend at Charlie’s
Sensitive Surfaces
The Ghost Library
Aventuras do Pensamento
La loge
•• Text and Publications:
Another Ghost Party
Be Like Speaking to a Brick Wall
Zand Erover
Vai Piorar
Beyond the Reef
Imperfect Agreements
On Décor
Sensitive Surfaces Catalogue
Digesting the Real: food
and eating
The Sickness of Matter
Some Issues on Art and Food
Fabulatory Becoming, Expanding
•• Mediation & Educational:
Young Curators Programme in the Venice Biennale
Lectures and practice in Cinema & Digital Media•• Residencies:
Les Gloriettes