Which Films Do You Watch Late At Night?

Screening at Kask Cinema, Ghent
In collaboration with KIOSK 
Manon de Boer and Suely Rolnik
16 March

On March 16, 2022, on the occasion of the final week of the group exhibition Dear Yves, KIOSK and KASK CINEMA organized Which films do you watch late at night?

The double bill featured Resonating Surfaces (2005) & Lygia Clark, from Object to Event: Guy Brett (2011)

We started off the evening in collaboration with Manon de Boer’s Resonating Surfaces (2005). The film interweaves a conversation with psychoanalyst, art critic and curator Suely Rolnik and scenes from São Paulo as viewed by de Boer. Rolnik recounts personal stories during the Brazilian dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s, a period when she went to Paris in exile and began to develop her early professional life in close exchange with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guatarri.

The programme continues with Suely Rolnik on the other side of the camera, as an interviewer for the memory-building project Lygia Clark, from Object to Event (2011), for which she conducted over 65 interviews in the frame of an investigation on the late work of artist Lygia Clark (Brazil, 1920 - 1988). In the interviews, Rolnik talks to professional acquaintances from many fields, including former 'patients' of Lygia Clark’s therapeutic practice of Structuring the Self. KASKcinema will present her conversation with art critic, writer and curator Guy Brett (UK, 1942-2021) about his long-standing professional involvement with the artist.

The evening will be introduced by independent curator Laila Melchior and artist Vijai Maia Patchineelam, a team member of KIOSK.

For further info click here

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