Aventuras do Pensamento

Lecture by artist Ernesto Neto during the project's second edition


From 2016 to 2019, Aventuras do Pensamento proposed a pioneering model of encounters between generations. The project would invite thinkers of great renown to meet and discuss with the most provocative of audiences: pre-teens and teenagers, who would engage in the conversations outside of the classrom, in the museum context, together with their families.

The topics of debate were carefully chosen to comtemplate some of the most pressing issues of our times in the most diverse fields: "What is democracy, and why are we speaking so much about it"? "Is it possible to desire in other ways than those that were pre-set for us by colonial society"? "How does science works"? "What is it like to be a teenager in an indigenous context in Brazil and what are the stories that surround their coming-of-age"?

Literature, anthropology, epistemological standpoints, sports, contemporary art, animal's rights, sociology, urban violence, law, social justice, games, fashion and identity were just some subjects on the menu. Always conducted in an engaging and accessible language to encourage participation, Aventuras do Pensamento sought to explore issues from our daily lives in a critical and non-hierarchical perspective, promoting the formulation of new questions about the world and the universe in which we live.

The project's third edition hosted Dr. Marcos Nobre (Philosophy, Unicamp-SP), Dr. Suely Rolnik (Psychoanalysis & Art Critic, PUC-SP), Dr. Tatiana Roque (Mathematics & Philosophy of Science, UFRJ-RJ), Dr. Mario Novello (Cosmology Research, Brazilian Center for Research on Physics, CBPF-RJ), Dr. José Miguel Wisnik (Literature, USP-SP), Elisa Lucinda (Actor & Writer), Dr. Ailton Krenak (Indigenous Leader, Activist, Dr. Honoris causa, UnB-DF) and Daniel Munduruku (Indiginous Writer). Before that names such as Ernesto Neto (Artist), Conceição Evaristo (Writer), Dr. Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Anthropology, UFRJ-RJ) and Dr. Patricia Kauark-Leite (Physics & Epistemology, UFMG-MG) were among the invited lecturers. 

Watch some of the encounters here.

This project was made possible thanks to the support of Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro and the Federal Government, Brazil.
Curators: Laila Melchior, Hermano Callou, Lucas Murari, André Duchiade.
Production: Ludica Produções and Amanda Moleta


Entre 2016 e 2019, Aventuras do Pensamento propos um modelo pioneiro de encontros entre grandes pensadores do nosso tempo e o mais exigente e provocador dos públicos: o das crianças e adolescentes, que participam dessas conversas junto a suas famílias.

Nesta terceira edição do projeto, convidamos sete dos maiores pensadores brasileiros contemporâneos para conversar com o público infantojuvenil sobre algumas das questões que mais inquietam a filosofia, as artes e as ciências nos dias de hoje.

Com um time de conferencistas cuidadosamente escolhido por uma equipe de curadores, procuramos contemplar a riqueza e a diversidade do pensamento produzido hoje no Brasil. Sempre conduzidas em uma linguagem envolvente e acessível que estimula a participação do público, as conferências buscam resgatar questões do nosso cotidiano ou propor interrogações sobre o mundo e o universo em que vivemos.

Lecture by anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro during the project's first edition 

︎ aventurasdopensamento.com

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